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Bikeability Goes Full Circle for Maya

Like lots of Year 5 and 6 pupils, Maya took part in Bikeability Level 2 cycle training in Primary School. Maya did her training whilst at Linton Heights Primary school and was taught by instructors from Outspoken Training. Maya loved this experience which helped her become a regular, keen cyclist as she grew up.

Fast forward ten years and now Maya is a Bikeability instructor herself working for Outspoken. This month, Maya had the pleasure of returning to her old school to teach their next generation of pupils.

In Maya’s own words,

“It was a bit weird going back, especially as many of the teachers are still there. I was recognised by the receptionist pretty much straight away. But it was also pretty cool that we were working on all the junctions that I had done my Bikeability on when I was there.

I also liked that I was working with a lot of kids that I know either though Guiding or being in the village. It was great getting them to see what I do but also telling them that I had been them less than ten years ago. It definitely felt like a small world and a big (or perhaps not so big) circle.”

Maya became a Cycle Instructor to combine her interest in cycling, working with children and being outdoors making the role the “perfect combination”. Who knows, maybe Maya has started the next bunch of cycle instructors for 10 years’ time.

Could you help us enthuse more children to cycle? We are recruiting cycle instructors: